Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Reading Clinic

Hi everyone, the following information was sent to me by Dr. Pat Warren from Troy University. It sounds like a great opportunity if you have a struggling reader.

Marilyn Carroll

Our Mission:
The mission of the Troy University Reading Clinic is to provide school-age children in the Troy and Pike County area with a facility and staff dedicated to the prevention and remediation of reading problems. Our clinic will assist children in grades K-5 who are experiencing problems in reading by providing individualized assessment and intensive, research-based instruction. The clinic will be based on the most accurate scientific evidence in reading. The first priority of the Troy University Reading Clinic is to help our Troy community produce successful readers.

As part of the Troy University College of Education, the Troy University Reading Clinic will also serve as a field experience site for COE undergraduate and graduate students in a range of academic programs.

Our Vision:
The development of the Troy University Reading Clinic will provide opportunities for the progress of the Troy community, its children, and students at Troy University.
* We believe that all children can learn to read!!
* Interventions are based on the five “Big Ideas” of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension)
* Quality assessment is vital in monitoring and adjusting reading instruction.
* Families can be effective in their child's success in reading.

Individually planned tutoring sessions are scheduled as:
* 4 sessions per week during a 2-week span; beginning Tuesday, June 1st (Monday, May 31st is a holiday) and ending Thursday, June 10th. This is a total of 7 sessions.
* Sessions are 1 hour long.
* Sessions are scheduled on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
* Sessions begin at 10:30 AM and end at 11:30.

Procedures for enrollment:
Learning to read is one of the critical skills a child acquires during his or her early school experience. Unfortunately, reading does not come easily to all beginning elementary students. If your child is struggling in the area of reading, the following steps outline what parents or guardians can do to obtain assistance from the Troy University Reading Clinic.
* To begin the enrollment process. A child must be referred by his or her parents. The child’s parent must complete a Student Application Form and return it to the clinic. You can request an application by mail. Call 334-670-3584.
* Please note that the application requires a signature. Please attach a copy of your child’s most recent report card and/or copies of any evaluations that have been conducted. All applications must be signed, dated and then faxed, mailed, or scanned and emailed to Dr. Pat Warren. Applications may also be dropped off in person to room 307 Hawkins Hall, Troy University.
* All applications must be turned in before or during the week of May 24th through May 28th.
* Clinic staff will review all applications received. If the information on the application indicates that the child may meet the criteria for admission to the clinic, the intake process will begin. You will be notified by phone if a tutoring slot becomes available for your child.
* Parents must sign the permission slips and clinic contract. Your child will then be assigned a tutor and sessions will begin.

Troy University Reading Clinic
Mail or fax completed application to:

Dr. Pat Warren
Troy University Reading Clinic
307 Hawkins Hall
University Avenue
Troy University
Troy, Alabama 35802
Phone: 334-670-3584
FAX:334- 670-3548

Troy University Reading Clinic
Student Application

Mail or fax completed application to:

Dr. Pat Warren
Troy University Reading Clinic
307 Hawkins Hall
University Avenue
Troy University
Troy, Alabama 35802
FAX:334- 670-3548

School year ___________


Student’s Information:
Student’s Name:__________________________________________________
Last First Middle Age
Date of Birth____________________Current Grade______ Sex___________

Parent’s or Guardian’s Information:
Last First Middle
City State Zip Country

Home Phone:_________________Daytime or Cell Phone_____________

Email Address: _______________________________________________


Please provide us with a brief description of your child’s reading difficulties (please check all that apply):

?Does not know all of the letter sounds
?Unable to read simple words (e.g. dog, cake) quickly
? Can read simple words, but has difficulty with longer, multi-syllabic words
(e.g. perfect, expression)
? Has difficulty reading connected text fluently
? Reads fluently but doesn’t understand what he or she reads.

Other information:

When did your child first experience difficulty in reading?

How is your child doing in school this year or how did your child do in school last year?

Present School__________________________________________________

City State Zip

What additional services does your child receive at school? (Please check all that apply)

Title I ? Speech/Language ? Special Education ? English Language Learner ?

In School Tutor ? After School Tutor ? Other ? (Please explain;__________)

If Special Education has been checked, what is the primary diagnosis?

Has your child ever been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder? Yes ? No ?
If yes, what grade? _______________

Has your child ever been retained? Yes ? No ? If yes, what grade? __________

Troy University Reading Clinic

Please sign release Form A below:

RELEASE FORM A: Permission for Assessment

Assessment Request:
Date_______________ Student’s Name_______________________

I am authorized to and do request a diagnostic reading assessment of the student identified above. I understand that the assessment will be conducted by University education reading students supervised by TURC staff members and that the completed assessment will not be viewed or released to anyone outside of the turc without my consent.
Signature of client or parent/legal guardian


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