Hello Ladies,
Here is the link to the Great American Bird Count. http://www.birdsource.org/gbbc/howto.html
The Dates are February 13-16th. If you are interested in your family counting birds one day or several - Sign Up!!! If you wish, you can just plan a 15 minute time period to count birds and wal-la - you have participated!! Then during nap time - take the oldest kids to the computer to enter the results on the web site (yes this is my day). Outside and inside learning!! If the kids are small - they love the outside - and you are learning about birds so you can teach them when they get older!! Yes I know, there is only so much time, but if you can fit it in it would be fun!!
After the days of the bird watch are over, the families who participated can meet and share our information. If you would like to write a paragraph about one of the birds you encountered to share that day we would greatly enjoy that!! We plan to build a graph of the data we collected so keep that scrap peice of paper you wrote on!!! One more idea, if you really want to commit, choose several different places around your area and go on different days to count, ie the park, a different part of town, the pond at Troy University... these are places you won't see me!!
Lastly, we plan to set up a bird feeder in our back yard, that way more birds that are native to our area will be available to count.
Have fun counting birds!!
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